Infographic: The Road to Modern Marketing

I love marketing and everything it represents. In my opinion, marketing is special because it brings together a number of talents and factors: Human behavior – predicting the behavior of humans and understanding their wants and needs that drive that behavior. Creativity – coming up with innovative ideas that are simple and beautiful, addressing people’s appreciation for aesthetics. Analysis – analyzing reams of data to find opportunities for improvement and increased response. Technology – applying technologies to measure, improve and automate marketing efforts. We’re reaching a Golden Age of marketing … Continue reading

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Infographic: The Road to Modern Marketing

I love marketing and everything it represents. In my opinion, marketing is special because it brings together a number of talents and factors: Human behavior – predicting the behavior of humans and understanding their wants and needs that drive that behavior. Creativity – coming up with innovative ideas that are simple and beautiful, addressing people’s appreciation for aesthetics. Analysis – analyzing reams of data to find opportunities for improvement and increased response. Technology – applying technologies to measure, improve and automate marketing efforts. We’re reaching a Golden Age of marketing … Continue reading

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Top 10 WordPress Themes 2012 for Bloggers

Starting a blog is relatively easy, but generating quality traffic to it and most importantly keeping your visitors engaged requires most of all great design. In WordPress, you have access to dozens of theme designs for free and you can test each one to see, which works best for you. However, if you want to […]

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De transmediale storytelling van de Efteling

Met alleen attracties kom je er niet. Het Brabantse attractiepark de Efteling heeft zijn nummer drie-positie in Europa mede te danken aan een uitgebreide transmediale storytelling-strategie. Directeur Bart de Boer vertelde erover tijdens het Cross Media Café, dinsdag 6 november in Hilversum. “Je moet een format nu veel langer van tevoren starten dan vroeger.”

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