Using Pinterest to Engage Users and Boost SEO

Pinterest has become the newest big thing in social networks. Pinterest, and others, like Google+ and Facebook, grow a user base faster than the users can actually learn how to use the service, but a huge user base means that ignoring the service is foolish.  It’s an opportunity to grow your brand. We’re using Pinterest at WP Engine, so I’ll be picking on our brand in the post as a useful example. At first, a tech brand using Pinterest may … Continue reading

Econsultancy Training

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WordPress Emergency Password Script

Every once in a while, we meet a company who has WordPress hosted on a server that can’t send out email. This spells out doom when you’ve lost the password to WordPress and you need to login to retrieve it. WordPress stores the password encrypted, so even having access to the database doesn’t help. But if you have access to the server via FTP, you can actually upload a script that will allow you to reset the administrative password via … Continue reading

Econsultancy Training

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Authorship Plugin for WordPress

I’ve been beating up every company I know to take advantage of the authorship capabilities that Google has brought to market. I’ve seen a significant increase in click-throughs on our search engine results pages and so have our readers. Are you tired of me talking about it? Well, it’s even easier now to enable authorship features in WordPress thanks to an incredible plugin, called AuthorSure. Their plugin provides all the necessary features… in addition to a few more really nice … Continue reading

Econsultancy Training

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Don’t Blame the CMS, Blame the Theme Designer

This morning I had a great call with a potential client about their inbound marketing strategies. They mentioned that they were meeting with a firm to develop their website. I had noticed prior to the call that they were already on WordPress and asked if they would continue using it. She said absolutely not and said that it was terrible… she couldn’t do anything with her site that she wanted to. Today she’s speaking with a firm that will develop … Continue reading

Econsultancy Training

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Jason Cohen of WPEngine on MTB Radio

We are happy to announce that we will be having Jason Cohen of WPEngine on the Marketing Tech Blog Radio Show this Friday, February 24, at 3 p.m. EST. On the show, we will be talking about Jason’s technique of using “Carol, the perfect customer” to design marketing/sales campaigns that work, how to vet ideas before putting all of your time and money behind a company, and how he obtained 30,000 RSS subscribers. Jason Cohen is the Founder & CEO … Continue reading

Econsultancy Training

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What is AuthorRank and Why It Matters

I’ve been pestering my clients and we’ve been integrating authorship code on all of our WordPress sites since seeing the incredible results of doing it on our own blog. Here’s a great infographic to help promote authorship even further… penning the term, AuthorRank. For the average writer, marketer or content producer, AuthorRank presents a great opportunity for personal branding, but also makes us individually responsible for the quality of work we produce. Evaluating the quality of content is Google’s job, … Continue reading

Econsultancy Training

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Marketing Technology Blog iPhone App!

Last month, good friend Adam Small who runs Digital Home Info, a real estate marketing platform, sent me a link from TechCrunch on a new company called Appifier. They’ve built a web-based engine that allows you to take any WordPress blog and publish it as an iPhone application. It’s nothing short of amazing. First, you install a plugin that basically makes your entire WordPress blog a JSON REST API. This allows the iPhone App to communicate directly with your blog… … Continue reading

Econsultancy Training

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Add a Pinterest Pinit Button to WordPress

Pinterest is on quite an upswing in popularity… so much so that other social sharing sites are starting to lose some ground. I believe the advantage of Pinterest is that it’s a visual medium that’s well laid out to share information. While other sites have boring lists, the mozaic that Pinterest generates is simple to scroll through to find what captures your interest. With that in mind, social sharing sites are fantastic traffic generators, so why not make it easy … Continue reading

Econsultancy Training

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Enable Authorship and Publishing Link in WordPress

I keep telling folks I’d share how we’re integrating authorship microdata to produce search result rich snippets. It’s working well for our clients in increasing their SERP CTRs) so I figured I’d document it here for WordPress sites. There are two pieces to this… and the two elements are not related. The authorship data is now being displayed in Search Engine Results Pages. I have not seen publisher info displayed yet… but I’m sure it will be! Publisher Google Plus … Continue reading

Econsultancy Training

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