Wat is het effect van jouw event? [tooltips]

Het effect meten van een event blijft een interessant onderwerp binnen de eventbranche. Om de ROI te berekenen, zou je volgens de vuistregel gemaakte kosten van de gecreëerde waarde moeten aftrekken dit resultaat vervolgens met honderd moeten vermenigvuldigen. Voor sommige investeringen is dit makkelijk te meten, maar vaak blijkt dat dit voor de eventbranche een te […]

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SurveyMonkey CEO Talks About Why His Company Won’t IPO After Raising $794M And Reveals Other Big-Name Investors

money“We could go public,” SurveyMonkey CEO Dave Goldberg says, “but the cost of going public — of running a public company — outweighs the benefits.” As the founder of LAUNCH Media, which he took public before selling to Yahoo! (where he stayed for six years), Goldberg is familiar with the IPO process and isn’t in any hurry to repeat it.

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Dig Deeper Into Your Survey Results: Cross Tab and Filter Analysis

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I do Social Media Marketing for SurveyMonkey, so I’m a big proponent of using online surveys to reach out to your customers in order to make better, more strategic business decisions. You can get a lot of insight out of a simple survey, especially when you know a thing or two about creating and analyzing it. Obviously writing and designing a good survey is an important part of this process, but all that front-end work means very little if you … Continue reading

Econsultancy Training

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Top 5 Tips for Survey Greatness

There is a simple truth presented by the Internet era: Soliciting feedback and gaining insight into your customer base and target market is easy. This can be a wonderful fact or a fear-inducing one, depending on who you are and what you’re looking for feedback about, but if you’re in the market to connect with your base to get their honest opinion, you have tons of free and cost effective options to do. There are any number of ways you … Continue reading

Econsultancy Training

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Who’s Answering Your Survey? Validation Made Simple

Soliciting consumer feedback before, during, and after launching a new business venture is a great way to figure out how you’re measuring up in the eyes of your customers. You never want to assume you know how your target market (30 to 45 year old working mothers, for example) feels about what you’re doing, especially since it’s so easy to ask them yourself. The good news for marketers, whether you’re working at a big company or a small startup, is … Continue reading

Econsultancy Training

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3 Ways To Use Surveys For Better Market Research

Chances are that if you’re reading Marketing Tech Blog, you already know how important conducting market research is to any business strategy. Over here at SurveyMonkey, we believe that being well informed when making decisions is the best thing you can do for your business (and your personal life, too!). Online surveys are a great way to perform market research quickly, easily, and cost effectively. Here are 3 ways you can implement them into your business strategy today: 1. Define … Continue reading

Econsultancy Training

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