10 jaar blockchain: de hype, de échte impact & de toekomst

Blockchain-technologie bevindt zich midden in het “dal van desillusie”, dat standaard na de piek van de hype komt. Na dat dal zullen we de echte toegevoegde waarde pas gaan merken. In dit artikel een analyse van de echte disruptie die we to…

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Here’s What A Piece Of Viral News Looks Like As It Makes Its Way To Google+ Explore

6584750_a0653a9320_zThe No. 1 thing about the Internet that fascinates me is the fact that information can travel at the speed of light. One moment, something can happen in one part of the world, and seconds later, someone on the opposite side of the world can know about it. That is absolutely epic in my opinion. Be it a video, link or tweet, things travel quickly, but we rarely see how they travel.

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