Concurrentie-onderzoek: meer inzicht met paid search

Gedegen en structureel concurrentie-onderzoek is belangrijk. Het helpt bij het uitvoeren en formuleren van strategieën. Ook breng je je marketingactiviteiten ermee in perspectief. Het is belangrijk om jezelf daarbij te vergelijken met concurrenten. Kla…

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Google AdWords: experts over de 100 duurste keywords & trends in PPC

Begin dit jaar wijzigde Google de advertentieweergave. De advertenties aan de rechterzijde verdwenen en worden nu getoond boven de organische zoekresulaten. Wat voor een impact heeft dit op adverteerders? Digital advertising wordt in ieder geval steeds populairder. Veel bedrijven richten zich op online advertising in plaats van op de traditionelere opties. Volgens het IAB Internet Advertising […]

Het bericht Google AdWords: experts over de 100 duurste keywords & trends in PPC verscheen eerst op Frankwatching.

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SEO Services UK – Is PPC the Holy Grail, 94% of Searchers Say No!

In a recent report conducted by GroupM carried out with Nielsen, Evaluating the Search Marketing Landscape it was found that only 6% of clicks were from paid search while a massive 94% were from searches in the organic listings. This in itself highlights the importance of SEO services for business. The research was based on […]

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Infographic: PPC + Organic = More Clicks

Even though it’s a self-serving piece, Google Research has developed this infographic to provide evidence of how click-through rates change when an organic search result is accompanied by a paid search advertisement. Pairing up the two can help y…

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Infographic: Inbound Marketing Explosion

As an inbound marketing agency, we think it’s exciting to be agents on the front side of the incredible change in the agency industry. From vendors to designers, everyone is paying much more attention to the big picture of online marketing rather than working in silos or comfort zones. Working across mediums provides greater results… but it’s not easy! Marketing used to be about paying for your audience’s attention and trying to lure them away from whatever they were doing … Continue reading

Econsultancy Training

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