Facebook Redesign Kills Ticker, Almost

Facebook Ticker Gone Dead DoneTired of seeing every inane detail of yours friends lives pop up in that annoying Facebook sidebar ? Well apparently Facebook was too as the redesign announced yesterday eliminates Ticker for some, and banishes it to the bottom of the left Chat sidebar as a one-story tall blip for others. The real-time Ticker feed launched 2011 that’s best known for outing your friends as Britney Spears fans.

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Facebook’s Riskiest Bet Yet. Can It Uproot A Billion People’s Behavior?

Facebook butterfly Effect“Fortune Favors The Bold” reads a 20-foot-tall poster in the room where Facebook unveiled its redesigned news feed. It’s possibly the most looked-at page on the Internet, and if we don’t like the changes, traffic and ad revenue could plummet. Despite a slow rollout where it will watch for our reactions and make tweaks, Facebook’s never put it all on the line like this.

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