7 tips voor de adoptie van enterprise social networking

In mijn advieswerk zie ik veel bedrijven dezelfde fouten maken bij de introductie van social networking tools. In dit artikel beschrijf ik zeven tips voor de adoptie van enterprise social networking, die er voor zorgen dat het gebruik van je enterprise social netwerk meer waarde toevoegt. 1. Traditionele adoptiedrijvers werken niet Voer bij de adoptie […]

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How Social Collaboration Free Trials Can Benefit Your Business

In the enterprise social networking space, there have been a number of significant and noticeable changes over the last few months; fresh new faces, energy, content and announcements from key players in the industry. Vendors are chomping at the bit to corner this fast-paced, idea-driven marketplace. One instance is the introduction of the 30-day free […]

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A Brief History of Project Management

At Mavenlink, we thought it would be fun to take a look back at the past 2500 years or so and see how project management came to be what it is today. Despite new method developments and technology changes over time, project management has kept its core goal intact to deliver successful projects in a […]

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