Backed By $1.4M From Celebrity Investors, Qloo Launches A Netflix-Style Discovery Engine For Culture

Screen shot 2012-11-08 at 12.54.42 AMAs the Web evolves and hundreds of sites collect data every day on who we are and what we love to do, personalization has become fundamental to user experience to help users find signal amidst the noise. Some companies utilize our social graph to provide recommendations from the people we trust, while others mine Big Data, incoming data from APIs and more. The problem, however, is that most recommendation engines focus on verticals — we go to Netflix for recommendations on movies, Pandora and Spotify for music, Yelp for food, GoodReads for books and so on — leading to fragmentation and a disappointing user experience.

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The Roots of Your Business’s Community Must Come from Within

Businesses are adding community management to their “want” list more and more. Some even qualify it as a need. Yet, many don’t understand that to make the most impact with the investment, community must start with what the company already has, it’s internal culture. Community is about treating everyone who uses your products or services […]

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3 Consequences of not Embracing Cultural Awareness in Online Communities

With about 1/3 of Earth’s population using the services of the internet, it’s no surprise that online cultural awareness is becoming a significant issue. As over 2 billion users surf the net, individuals from different cultures are coming together at a growing rate, and online communities are as diverse as ever. In a recent blog […]

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