Content goudkoorts: 7 redenen waarom advocaten moeten bloggen

Contentmarketing lijkt soms op goudkoorts: marketeers zoeken elke niche op en ontginnen die. Deze goudkoorts heb ik bij de advocatuur nog niet opgemerkt. Er zijn een aantal eenzame goudzoekers op pad, maar in de advocatuur is bloggen feitelijk nog onontgonnen gebied. En dat is opmerkelijk, om 7 redenen.  Reden 1: advocaten maken ongeëvenaarde achtergrondartikelen Uit onderzoek blijkt dat […]

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Google Ramping Up Authorship in Webmasters

We keep an eye out on our clients’ webmasters accounts. It’s no coincidence, in my opinion, that our clients rank well as we’re able to significantly identify and reduce the errors that pop up in Webmasters. Google continues to advance its algorithms beyond the tried and true games that many SEO companies played in the past. Authorship is playing a growing role in this. By utilizing social queues on popularity, Google is advancing their pagerank algorithm and significantly improving the quality of results by not just measuring link popularity, but … Continue reading

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What is AuthorRank and Why It Matters

I’ve been pestering my clients and we’ve been integrating authorship code on all of our WordPress sites since seeing the incredible results of doing it on our own blog. Here’s a great infographic to help promote authorship even further… penning the term, AuthorRank. For the average writer, marketer or content producer, AuthorRank presents a great opportunity for personal branding, but also makes us individually responsible for the quality of work we produce. Evaluating the quality of content is Google’s job, … Continue reading

Econsultancy Training

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