E-mailmarketing: liefde op het eerste gezicht met je onderwerpregel

Een goede onderwerpregel pakt ontvangers in en verleid tot interactie. Toch ben je niet zomaar een echte romanticus. Een succesvolle onderwerpregel opstellen is altijd een uitdaging. Alleen al om te voorkomen dat je e-mail niet blijft hangen in spamfilters of ongeopend in de inbox blijft. Maar hoe zorg je dat cupido raak schiet? Er verschillende best practices die […]

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3 handige rapporten in Google Analytics voor online marktonderzoek

“Kun je online marktonderzoek uitvoeren met Google Analytics? En zo ja, welke rapporten kun je hiervoor gebruiken?” Het zijn vragen die ik vaak hoor. Google Analytics biedt zeer veel rapporten op het gebied van online marktonderzoek. Welke rapport geschikt is voor jou, ligt maar net aan je informatiebehoefte. Drie hiervan kan je vandaag nog inzetten voor […]

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Infographic: Create an Ultimate Customer Experience

While the Internet continues to evolve and has only been around for a couple decades, the world is quite well-versed at how to create a great customer experience. The parallels between the way you treat customers in person and the way you treat them online are quite similar when you’re trying to create the ultimate customer experience. Infographic by Monetate: Consumers expect highly-relevant online interactions with brands. For many businesses, the ability to deliver an optimal customer experience to their … Continue reading

Marketing Technology Blog Readers: Get a $300 Discount to JUMP!
$300 Discount for Marketing Technology Blog Readers

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Infographic: Blueprint for the Testable Landing Page

One of the most popular infographics that we’ve seen was released by our technology sponsors, Formstack, called Landing Page Best Practices. Formstack is an incredibly easy-to-use online form builder with the ability to actually build out landing pages in the same solution. The Blueprint for a Perfectly Testable Landing Page: Landing pages are composed of a group of definable elements. The building blocks presented below can be used as a guide when defining and creating a perfect landing page of … Continue reading

Econsultancy Training

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Google Experiments in Google Analytics… Meh

Google Website Optimizer is kaput, replaced with Google Experiments. With Content Experiments, you can compare how different web pages perform using a random sample of your visitors, define what percentage of your visitors are included in the experiment, choose which objective you’d like to test and, eventually, you’ll also get updates by email about how your experiment is doing. Here’s a video overview of Google Experiments: As sophisticated and expansive as Google Analytics has become, I’m actually having a tough … Continue reading

Econsultancy Training

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Infographic: The Price of Free Website Testing

This is a debate that continues to rage on when it comes to the Internet… why should I pay for a solution when I can use a free one? We utilize many free applications – but given our experience in the industry, I think we’re an exception to the rule. As an agency, we’re fully leveraging the technology we find useful and putting it to work to help our customers. Too many times we see our customers take advantage of … Continue reading

Econsultancy Training

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Create Tests Easily with Verify

While analyzing some real-time alerts today on marketing automation for our client, Right On Interactive, Marty Thompson came across a link to a testing site called Verify. It’s a very affordable testing site that has a ton of features and a very simple, intuitive interface for getting your designs, sites and layouts tested and capturing feedback. Here’s the Verify overview video: Verify has the following testing methodologies available: Click Test – See where users click based on a question. Memory … Continue reading

Econsultancy Training

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