Making A Hashtag For Your Event

Every conference should have a hashtag. Even if you don’t use Twitter and assume that almost no one attending does, if one influencer is there and using Twitter, you have promoted your event to a much broader range of people. Coming up with the hashtag While I read a post that suggested you should have […]

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WordPress Plugins I Like

As you can potentially imagine, I am a WordPress fan. One of the biggest reasons is that you can add plugins for functionality. Here are the ones I install whenever setting up a blog for someone (or myself): Akismet (standard) All in one Favicon All in One SEO Pack Audio player Blackbird Pie Broken Link […]

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5 Reasons Kony 2012 Went Viral

Everyone wants to know how to get more recognition for their product. Patterning yourself after successful campaigns can be a good strategy. There are many key elements to Kony 2012 that can be used on other campaigns, as well. Here are 5 things that I take from the Kony 2012 video: 1. Make it personal […]

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Easy SM Tips: Facebook Unsubscribe

Unfriending people can be a traumatic experience for both you and others. I don’t know about you, but I definitely get tired of seeing updates from people that I met years ago who don’t talk to me. While some would unfriend them, I figure, why burn the bridge? Now, you don’t have to. To stop […]

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Words to Never Use: “Please RT”

You have a wonderful contest that’s ending soon. Or a great blog post that you spent a lot of time working on. Or perhaps, you have the most wonderful cause in the world involving puppies and sick children and fixing the environment. Doesn’t matter. Never say “Please RT”. It’s begging. It’s unbecoming and silly. Even if […]

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#Don’t #Overhashtag

Twitter is its own land with its own rules. A lot of people see the inherent use of the hashtag and then abuse it, which thereby reduces the power of their message. Better to be judicious. How many hashtags is too many? I’d say no more than three hashtags at the end of your tweet and you […]

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