Five Ways to Infuse Culture in Your Marketing Strategy

Most companies view their culture on a larger scale, blanketing the entire organization. However, it is important to apply your organization’s defined culture to all internal operations, including your marketing team. Not only does it align your strategies with the overall goals of your company, but it sets a standard for other departments to follow suit.

Here are a few ways your marketing strategy can reflect your organization’s overall culture:

1. Appoint a cultural leader.
Here at Formstack, we’ve hired someone whose sole focus is to ensure that our cultural values are upheld. Yes, I know, it’s not always feasible to do this. However, if you have someone in your company that shows interest in taking on this responsibility, encourage and continue to support them! It is very important that you have someone who can help nurture your company’s culture. These things can be defined as a team, but there should be one person who is responsible for making sure the team executes these cultural values each and every day. Culture within a company can lead to greater company success.

2. Create defined core values.
5 Ways to Infuse Culture in Your Marketing Strategy | Marketing Tech BlogFrom our company’s workflow to the use of our product, we operate under the “SAFE” principle: Simple, Agile, Fun, Elegant. Developing personal values for your business allows all aspects of your company to be streamlined according to those principles. If employees are unsure of their direction or stuck on a project, refer them to your core values for guidance. These don’t need to be exceptionally eloquent – like SAFE, just a few basic values can be applicable in a variety of situations.

3. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
From the start of development all the way down to launch, your core values should hold a strong presence. The best way to assure that your company’s personality is consistent is to revisit them on a daily basis. When you’re initiating a new marketing campaign or creating a new product, be sure to ask your team, “How does this product, project, process, etc., maintain our ‘SAFE’ approach?”

4. Don’t forget about customer service.
Your customers define your company. Let them know they’re appreciated. It’s a good idea to follow the “Golden Rule” – treat others as you would like to be treated. You may not always have the answers to customer queries or have a solution to customer problems; be honest and assure them you will find someone who can assist them.

5. Put faces to the brand.
Several companies have social presence. But often times, the anonymity can make it seem like your tweets are automatic and your responses are canned. It’s okay to add personality to a social brand. Customers may feel more comfortable knowing that they’re talking to a real person; a person that they may relate to and connect with. This can lead to customer loyalty for your company. We’re all human, let’s act like it!

These tips aren’t exclusive to your marketing team. They can be utilized by other departments, as well as your company overall. By developing and integrating culture into your company, you create an environment that encourages teamwork and allows your customers to associate a personality with your brand.

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