5 Profoundly Helpful Social Business Articles You May Have Missed

Would you like to come back from a few days off with a better understanding of social business than you when you left?

For many in the United States, we are headed into a holiday weekend. Sometimes, time away from the office, coworkers, and customers give us the perspective we need to come up with our best ideas.

Helpful Social Business & Online Community Articles

To help you return to work after a long weekend or a few days off, here are some of the best recent posts about online communities and social business that you may have missed:

How to Engage Your Customers and Employees

Learn how to avoid diluting your customer or employee engagement efforts. Test these 9 pillars of online engagement against your social strategy to get ideas for improving your organization’s performance.

Tactics That Make Activity Go Up

Find out why successful online community managers don’t focus on doing things that makes online community activity go up.

Strategy First, Platform Second…Please!

One would think that as a provider of online community software Socious would downplay strategy and other factors that add cost and extend timelines for social community projects. It is actually just the opposite.

Having provided social software to mid-sized and large organizations for 10 years, we recognize the correlation between strategy and an online community’s success rate. We have even been known to turn away companies that don’t see the need for developing an online community strategy before implementing our online community software. Read this post to find out why it is so important to have a strategy before selecting a social business platform.

Case Study: Social Business in B2B Ecosystems!

Watch this short video to see how Premier, an alliance of 2,500 hospitals, uses online communities to collaborate securely across their network to help doctors, patients, and other partners get better results.

What Struggles Will Your Community Face As It Matures?

One of the most pervasive fears about online communities for businesses and membership organizations revolves around not knowing what to expect. Our most popular eBooks, white papers, and webinars educate executives about what to expect when creating an online customer or member community. Enter The Community Roundtable and this post. Through their research and community, they do a great job painting a picture of the nuance and hurdles that organizations face as they create and grow their online communities.

So sit back, enjoy the kick-off to summer, and raise a glass to becoming a smarter social business professional. Please share you takeaways in the comments below.
