Want to Increase Your Twitter Transparency?

There’s a great new social listening feature being rolled out by Twitter allowing for increased accessibility and transparency for our audiences… the ability for followers to send us Direct Messages (DMs) when we’re not following them back.

This feature makes it much easier for our followers to connect with us for sensitive or private questions and vice versa. It’s a great way to ask folks for contact info like an email address or phone number when Twitter isn’t appropriate for sales or support queries.

Most importantly, users are helping us identify them as folks we want to follow!

To make the change:

  1. Login to your Twitter account.
  2. At the top right of your screen, click the drop down menu displaying your username.

  3. Click “Settings.”
  4. On the “Account” tab, scroll to the bottom and tick the “Receive direct messages from any follower” box.

  5. Click save. You’ll be prompted for your password.

It’s unlikely you’ll suddenly be fielding lots of new DMs, but you’re that much more open to conversations with audiences and influencers.

Happy DMing!