5 Tips To Help You Avoid Getting Writer’s Block

The dreaded writer’s block. It’s one of the worst things that can happen to a writer. It’s almost like an illness, something that’s crippling and frustrating, especially because almost everyone will suffer from it at different points during their writing career. And there’s no real way around it. Or is there? Contrary to popular belief the next time you have a bout of writer’s block you don’t have to shelf the pens and paper or power down the laptop, there are actually a few different ways you can wage a war against it.

1.      Keep backup ideas handy

One of the most effective ways to combat the infamous writer’s block is by keeping an arsenal of ideas ready to use at a moment’s notice. Every time you think of a topic to write on jot it down – no matter how ludicrous it may seem at the time. Even the wildest of ideas can turn into great articles, especially when you least expect it.

2.      Don’t over think it

Overanalyzing situations is one of those flaws that most writers suffer from, and it can be what ends up fueling writer’s block the most. When you start to over think why you have writer’s block and how you can overcome it take a step back and give yourself a break. Sometimes that’s all you need to get right back on track.

3.      Break things up

It seems that writer’s block always happens when you have a formidable and intimidating project ahead of you. (You know, the least convenient time possible.) Try breaking up a large project into smaller, more manageable tasks. Sometimes just the sheer thought of how overwhelming something is brings on writers block and all you need to do is split it into smaller sections.

4.      Read

Take a break from writing and spend time reading other people’s blogs and articles – it might be just what you need to find some inspiration for your next project.

5.      Try new things often

Constantly expanding the things you do and try will help open you up to different viewpoints and topics. Getting stuck doing the same things over and over again will leave you uninspired; however continuous exposure to new things will have you perpetually thinking in different ways.

As frustrating as writer’s block is, remember that it won’t last forever. Try not to be too hard on yourself because that will only make it worse. Instead, shake things up a bit – not only will it keep things interesting, it will probably spark a slew of new articles and stories to write.